Cupping is used to expel toxins from areas of pain and tightness and uses glass cups, held by suction, to massage the body. The action on the nervous system can be sedating and the client can experience a deep state of relaxation. Traditionally the cups are placed on the back, shoulders and lower back. After treatment clients can experience a feeling of lightness and flexibility in the area which was creating pain or range of movement restrictions. Cupping can be either stationary or in massage. Stationary cups are left on the skin for 5 to 15 minutes to facilitate the release of stagnant blood, pathogenic factors and dispel internal heat.
Massage cupping uses oil so the cup can glide over the skin to release tension and congestion in the muscles. Most cupping procedures will create a red to dark red circle on the skin but will disappear within a week. Other conditions that respond well to cupping massage therapies include: fibromyalgia, anxiety, insomnia, chronic pain, sciatica, and asthma.